Thanks Dr.Loh for your support

          Future-Proofing Our Children:

Inspiring kids to think, empathize, and thrive in the A.I. era

Saturday, April 27 with the ACP Youth Leadership Institute marked the informative seminar by Professor Po-Shen Loh, involving a balance of networking opportunities, keynote presentations emphasizing “future-proofing our kids”, and interactive sessions among members. The animated gathering sparked the interest of over a hundred students and parents who were given the unique opportunity to engage with Professor Loh. Overall, with the collaboration of the avid members and organizers of the Youth Leadership Institute, this event truly established itself as indispensable to the minds of the aspiring youth generation.

           After some snacks and greetings, the guest speaker, Professor Loh, who has been a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University and served as the National Coach of the winning USA International Mathematical Olympiad, was warmly introduced. YLI members and guests were given the pleasure of engaging in a lifechanging lesson about the rise of Artificial intelligence in our lives. By involving numerous amounts of topics of his life, he was able to introduce why artifcial intelligence matters.

           Loh explains the human brain was not optimized for thinking, but instead for reproduction. But what exactly should we do, is what Loh asked the audience. Bringing up examples of the Steam Engine, man’s strength has already been surpassed but is still invaluable. He brought up the interesting phenomenon that the first jobs who will be replaced will be the software engineer, since the people who are building these AI are most familiar with this field. AI development is not driven by the thought of making the world a better place, but by making the most money, and replacing the most jobs.

           Shifting to another aspect, Loh pointed out that many famous philosophers were mathematicians. He brought up two key principles, which were the way to be happy is to make a lot of other people happy, and hard work is fun if you are working on something meaningful. First, create a network of trust between people by creating value for people. He applied these principles to his own company LIVE, which brings value to all sides.

           Finally ending the session, Loh sprinkled in some intriguing life lessons he learned along his amazing journey. In college, make friends two years older than you, by the time you need a job they will be working in management. He expounded on the fact that economics in essence is land, labor, and capital, and our children only have labor, which AI will soon take over. The fundamental job that can’t be taken away will be educators. Teachers not only teach students information but also teach kids how to be people. To accomplish this, you need teachers at human level. Ultimately, the event’s unwavering enthusiasm attests to its success in providing a tangible platform that propels the ACP Youth Leadership community into becoming the true leaders of tomorrow.

Author: Timothy Mei

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